
Please click on the below buttons to register for the 2024/2025 Season. If you registered in this system last year, you can click Current member.
Please note once you have completed a registration you will have created a profile in our membership system. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. To make any further registrations you will need to login to your profile to register using the above login box.
Season memberships $65 per person.
Family Memberships
2 or more Juniors $130
2 or more Juniors/plus 1 or more Senior, Adult or Volunteer Lifeguard $195
Club Donation Membership $250. Covers family membership and get a Tax Receipt in your business name.
Surf Sport Squads
Oceans $75
Seniors $125
Surf Sport Gear Allocations
10'6" Boards $100, 8'10" Boards $75, Surf Ski $125
Access Tag or Wristband $20 each
**Associate members do not have voting rights at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings.